Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Innovations in IMB's MBA programme

The world is changing. So is the IMD MBA program.

An intensive, international one year leadership and general management program, the IMD MBA is limited to 90 experienced participants (this year’s class represents 45 different nationalities). Consistently ranked among the top programs by international publications, the program will be introducing a number of innovations in its 2012 program design with a particular emphasis on integrated classroom and real world learning and leadership throughout.

Developed and enhanced based on input from recruiters, alumni and academic research, the new IMD MBA program incorporates a pioneering new continuous “action learning cycle approach” through the careful integration of classes, live business cases and projects to allow participants to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real leadership situations. This begins from day one.

The new program has three specific innovations:
1) Program content that directly integrates classroom work, live cases and real world projects (with start-up companies, SMEs and multinationals) together throughout the year.

2) Personalized learning and individual coaching, including a personal learning plan, an individual project and electives sequenced through the year.

3) Structured pre-program preparation through IMD-guided online learning, reading or a pre-program immersion to achieve a basic understanding of accounting, finance and statistics before the program starts.

These innovations are being introduced based on comprehensive research demonstrating how the world has changed – and so have today’s learners.

“In designing this new program, we conducted considerable research with a broad spectrum of stakeholders,” said IMD Professor Martha Maznevski, IMD MBA Program Director. “Tomorrow’s leaders must have three linked skill sets. They must be able to operate an organization based on classic business fundamentals, to lead themselves and their organizations, and to navigate through the uncertain and complex waters of today’s global environment. Developing the intuition and judgement to act with impact requires an approach where participants can learn, test and reflect in rapid, real world learning cycles.”

She added: “The new program design will better equip learners to compare and contrast their different experiences, developing the ability to read situations and draw from a repertoire of responses. It will in essence mean ‘guided on the job leadership training.’ Our small class size and deep connections with business make this revolutionary approach possible.”

IMD’s comprehensive leadership stream remains an important foundation for the program. The leadership stream includes high-intensity outdoor exercises and group work, peer reviews of personal strengths and weaknesses, and a unique personal development elective, all thoroughly integrated with the rest of the curriculum.

“The world today is more complex and turbulent than ever, and tomorrow’s business leaders will need new skills – in addition to the traditional ones, not instead of them – to lead us responsibly through this century,” noted Professor Maznevski. “We saw this first-hand in the most recent financial crisis, also a crisis of naiveté as many managers failed to understand how their decisions impacted other functional areas and parts of the world. We believe carefully combining knowledge-building, action and reflection in multiple contexts is the only effective way to develop judgement as well as the ability to take effective action.”

The IMD MBA 2011 progam will benefit from some of these new program innovations. The IMD MBA experience retains the elements that have made it a trademark throughout the decades: business fundamentals, contextual learning and a leadership focus. 

-press release  

Meet with the alumni and admissions staff of IBM  at the QS MBA Fair in Lagos Nigeria on 26 March at the Eko Hotel & Suites. Free online registration http://www.topmba.com/mba-tour/Lagos?partnerid=4508

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